The Lord said to his disciples, "When you see the desolating sacrilege spoken of by Daniel the prophet, set up where it ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; let him who is on the housetop not go down, nor enter his house, to take anything away; and let him who is in the field not turn back to take his mantle. And alas for those who are with child and for those who give suck in those days! Pray that it may not happen in winter. For in those days there will be such tribulation as has not been from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be. And if the Lord had not shortened the days, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days. And then if any one says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it. False Christs and false prophets will arise and show signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. But take heed; I have told you all things beforehand.
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Run! Don't Look Back! photo by Flickr user Katrinaloopez, used under the creative commons license check out more photos at: |
Am I detached enough from the world where I wouldn't feel the need to "turn back and take (my) mantle?" I hope so for even though I will never see the destruction of the Jerusalem nor is there even a Temple there to see desolated, yet, in my own life, there will be a time when all that is material and of this world, just crumbles around me. It is good not to love those things for they perish.
But God is eternal. O Lord, help me to flee from the material things for a man's life is not made up of the things he owns but rather in his relationship to God and to those who bear the Image of God. Flee, o my soul, flee!
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